First and foremost, the most important part of our business is the satisfaction of our customers. The feedback we receive on our products helps determine what we keep in stock. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality vaporizers on the market at the best prices available. Locally owned and operated in Columbia SC, we provide the community personal computer sales and services and have done so for the last 17 years as Compuzone, a well respected IT business in the Midlands. Keeping with our theme of outstanding customer service and top quality products, Vapingzone is the culmination of hard work, dedication, and especially trial and error. We want passionate smokers to keep enjoying the feeling of smoking but in a safe and unique way – with Electronic Cigarettes.
History Of Vaping Zone
Before we opened VapingZone for business, we were smokers looking for a way out of a bad habit just like anyone else. The first kits we received were your run-of-the-mill classic electronic cigarette kits. After only days of using the products, we were able to stop smoking entirely. It was then when we realized that the technology was legitimate and genuine, but shortly after we found that the only places to buy vape accessories and e-juice were out of town or on the internet. We spread the word to our friends and family at first, ordering just enough juice and E-cig accessories to supply our own needs. After weeks of small orders and shipping charges, we realized that it might be a good idea to keep a healthy stock of products in an existing retail location we currently own and operate as CompuZone. This decision alleviated our prior ordering issues, but it also turned out to be a notable business decision as well. After a few weeks, we started noticing customers coming in the door looking for e-cigarette products rather than computer services. Given that we test and use all of our products before we make the decision whether or not to sell them, our customers are more open to trust our judgment and buy from us. The proven success in-store inclined us to build the website and gain a broader customer base and the rest is history…

About our Vaporizers & other Electronic Cigarette Products
Since our inception as an electronic cigarette business we have concentrated on keeping up with market trends. At VapingZone we sell thousands of e-cigarette products like e-cigarettes, liquid nicotine , variable wattage, vape mods , e liquid, clearomizers and many others, which are completely safe and provide the ultimate feeling of vaping. We research and test new products on a regular basis to make sure the quality and performance of new products is up to the standards of our staff and customers. While we began selling items from a few vendors such as Joyetech and Smoktech, as we expanded we began offering products from newer vendors such as Kangertech, Eleaf Istick, Innokin, Wismec, Aspire, S-body, Sigelei, Uwell, Cloupor, Pioneer4You, Efest, LG batteries, and Sony Batteries to name a few. As the industry expands and new technologies emerge, we will continue to be right there growing along with the industry.
As the DIY (Do It Yourself) e-juice market emerged, we began focusing part of our business towards those individuals and companies that prefer to create and mix their own e-liquids. After countless months of trying different sources of nicotine and flavorings we narrowed it all down to a select number of vendors and suppliers that we felt met or exceeded our expectations and standards. We then decided to stand apart from the crowd and began a relationship with a partner that created our own line of super concentrated e liquid flavorings developed especially for vaping. The line took off and grew quickly into one of the most talked about and in demand vape flavoring on many e-cig forums and discussion threads dedicated to DIY e-liquid. Since then we have added many more flavors to our line and feel that we offer the best mix of variety and quality available in the market today.
Feel free to ask any questions by contacting us.